The recent floods and cyclone have caused serious damage to many homes and properties across the North Island. The Government has released a financial aid package to help those affected.

You do not have to be a client of MSD or be on benefits to get this help. Non-residents may be eligible to receive payments, and in most cases, it doesn’t matter what your income is.


What financial support is available?

You can get help with covering emergency costs such as food, bedding, and clothing.


  • A single parent can get up to $400
  • A couple can get up to $600
  • A sole parent or couple with one or two children can get $900
  • A sole parent or couple with three or more children can get $1100

If you’re staying in a motel or hotel because of the floods, you can access additional funds of up to:

  • $1,075 per week for a single person
  • $1,134 for a couple with no children
  • $1,336 for a couple of sole parent with children

These funds will be paid directly to the motel/hotel.

If you are staying with family due to damage at your home, you can access up to:

  • $211 per week for a single person
  • $350 per week for a couple
  • An additional $105.50 for each child

These payments are only available for a limited time, so it’s best to start the process as soon as possible.

If you need help with medical costs, power bills, repairs, or replacing appliances, you may be eligible for additional payments. What you qualify for will depend on your situation, and you may have to pay this money back.

If you’ve had to stay home from work because of the floods and haven’t been paid, you can apply to Work and Income to help with that too.


How can people access these payments?

The payments are released by the Ministry of Social Development (MSD). Although you may have to visit an MSD Hub, you can complete the initial assessment via the phone line to avoid longer queues.


  1. Check your entitlement (listed above, or click here)
  2. Call 0800 400 100 (lines are open between 7am-5pm). If they ask how much you need, ask for the exact amount you are entitled to. Make a note of your case number.
  3. Go to your local MSD Hub, and give the agent your case number. The process can be done entirely over the phone, however we’ve had feedback that following up face-to-face is faster.
  4. The agent will advise you on your entitlement, and arrange for this to be released.


What other help is available for those affected by the floods and Cyclone Gabrielle?


Local support options

A range of community groups, iwi, Pacific groups, and other local organisations are offering help in many areas. This may include temporary shelter, food packages, community connection, and advice and support. To see what’s available near you, visit the Community Providers page.


Additional support for people with disabilities

The Government has also released a Community Support Package, which includes specific funding to support disabled people, tāngata whaikaha Māori and/or their households to access support for immediate and unexpected needs due the recent North Island floods and storms.

Disabled people do not need to be receiving Disability Support Service funding from Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People or from another Government agency to be apply for this support. The funding will be distributed through existing disability providers.


Other information and resources

For the latest information on road closures, water, wastewater, and public facilities, visit the Auckland Emergency Management website.

For documents in other languages and accessible formats, visit the National Emergency Management Agency website.